Tethers markedsværdi tommer mod alle tiders højde, da konkurrenter kæmper med indløsninger

På trods af flere U.S. dollar-tilknyttede digitale tokens, der har oplevet bemærkelsesværdige indløsninger i de seneste måneder, den største stablecoin efter markedsvurdering, tøjre, er på nippet til at opnå sin højeste markedsværdi nogensinde. Med en aktuel værdi på $82.84 milliard, tether is a mere $433

Med Tæt på 10 Milliard Stablecoins indløst, BUSDs udbud falder til det laveste niveau siden april 2021

Statistics recorded on April 15, 2023, show that the number of coins in circulation for the stablecoin BUSD dropped below the 7 billion range to 6.68 milliard, marking the lowest number of BUSD in circulation since April 2021. desuden, data indicates

Værdi låst i Defi holder linjen på $50 mia, Efter midlertidigt at tabe $8 mia. i midten af ​​marts

The total value locked (TVL) i decentral økonomi (defi) during the first week of April is about $50 milliard, roughly the same as on March 1. The value locked dropped to $42 billion on March 12 but has since rebounded as

Stablecoin-markedet ser en stigning i udbuddet af Tether, da konkurrenterne falder i lyset af den seneste lovgivningsmæssige udvikling

While the stablecoin market has seen significant redemptions in the past three months, the supply of tether, the largest stablecoin by market capitalization, has increased by 2.46 billion since mid-November 2022. Tether is the only one of the top five stablecoins

Starkware planlægger at åbne kildekode-nøgleteknologi knyttet til Starknet Prover

Ved Starkware-sessionerne 2023 begivenhed, afholdt på Cameri Theatre i Tel Aviv, Israel, Starkware-medstifter Eli Ben-Sasson informerede publikum om, at virksomheden har til hensigt at åbne kildekode “nøgleteknologi” knyttet til Starknet Prover. Under arrangementet, medstifteren…

The Stablecoin Economy Shed $28 Milliard ind 2022 Efter en håndfuld tokens mistede deres $1 Peg

2022 has been an interesting year for stablecoin assets as the market capitalization of the entire stablecoin economy lost just over $28 milliarder i værdi. i øvrigt, mere end $3 billion has been erased from the stablecoin economy during the last 23

Russisk milliardær og kryptoforretningsmand dør i helikopterstyrt i Frankrig

Russian financier and cryptocurrency entrepreneur Vyacheslav Taran has been killed in a helicopter crash on French territory. The accident marks the latest in a series of deaths of crypto executives and adds another name to a list of Russian billionaires who

30% af dagens satsede Ethereum er knyttet til Lidos væskeindsats, 8 ETH 2.0 Pools kommando $8.1 Milliard i værdi

In roughly three days Ethereum is expected to transition from a proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain network to a proof-of-stake (Kosmos) version via The Merge. Ahead of the transition, the liquid staking project Lido has seen a lot more activity as the value

Værdien låst i Lido stiger før Ethereums fusion, LDO Token Jumps 23% Højere i 7 Dage

In eight days Ethereum is planning to undergo one of the most intensive upgrades since the DAO hard fork in 2016, as The Merge aims to change the networks consensus mechanism from proof-of-work (PoW) til bevis for indsats (Kosmos). Amid the lead-up to

Stablecoin-udsteder Tether vil ikke fryse Tornado Cash-adresser, Siger, at for tidlig frysning kan bringe undersøgelser i fare

Mens kryptosamfundet stadig taler om U.S. regeringen forbyder ethereum-blandingsplatformen Tornado Cash, stablecoin-udstederen Tether Holdings Limited afslørede onsdag, at selskabet ikke ville “fryse Tornado Cash-adresser.” Tether’s recently published blog post