Funko planlægger at lancere Jay og Silent Bob NFT Collection via Digital Collectibles Platform Droppp

Three months ago, Funko Inc., disclosed that it was entering the non-fungible token (NFT) industry when it announced it acquired a majority ownership stake in the NFT startup Tokenwave. Dengang, Funko’s CEO Brian Mariotti explained thatFunko Pop digital

Mad Moneys Jim Cramer tilbyder råd om investering i kryptovaluta

The host of Mad Money, Jim Cramer, has some advice for cryptocurrency investors. “I would never discourage you from buying crypto,” han sagde, adding that he himself owns ethereum. Jim Cramer’s Advice on Crypto Investing Jim Cramer, the host of Mad

Kanye West registrerer varemærker, der beskriver NFT-teknologi efter at have fordømt det digitale samlerkoncept

Ifølge varemærkeansøgninger til United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), den amerikanske rapper Ye (almindeligvis kendt som Kanye West) er ved at komme ind i verden af ​​ikke-fungible tokens (NFT'er) og metaverset. The record producers company Mascotte Holdings Inc….

esser, jokere, og NFT'er: Playing Card Producent Cykel lancerer NFT Genesis Collection

The well known playing card manufacturer Bicycle has announced the launch of the companys first non-fungible token (NFT) collection. The NFT card collectibles called theGenesis Collectionwere designed by the artist Adrian Valenzuela and the first drop of NFTs were