Amerikansk domstol idømmer russisk hvidvasker af løsesum til prøvetid og bøde

En russisk krypto-iværksætter, sigtet for hvidvaskning af penge fra ransomware-angreb, er blevet idømt betinget fængsel og bøde i USA. efter at have erkendt sig skyldig. Grundlægger af to mønthandelsplatforme, Denis Dubnikov, was arrested in the Netherlands and extradited to the

Den indiske regering besvarer spørgsmål om krypto-legalisering, Forebyggelse af svindel

The Indian government has responded to parliamentary questions about the legalization of cryptocurrency and the steps it has taken to prevent crypto-related fraud. “Crypto assets are currently unregulated in India. Frauds relating to crypto are dealt with under extant laws against

Crypto Exchange Bitzlato gendanner brugeradgang til halvdelen af ​​Bitcoin-saldi, Rapport

Bitzlato-brugere kan nu delvist trække deres bitcoin-midler fra den afmonterede kryptovalutabørs, ifølge en medierapport. Den russisk-tilknyttede handelsplatform var målrettet af vestlige retshåndhævere og fik sin fransk-baserede serverinfrastruktur beslaglagt i januar. Bitzlato-kunder tilladt…

Leder af den venezuelanske kryptovagthund Sunacrip anholdt på grund af anklager om korruption; Institution til ansigt omstrukturering

Joselit Ramirez, head of the Venezuelan cryptocurrency authority Sunacrip, was arrested on March 18, according to reports from local media. Ramirez, who led the institution from its creation in 2018, was arrested for being allegedly involved in corruption schemes, including the

Rapport: Anholdelse af egyptisk politi 29 Påståede Masterminds of Crypto Mining App Scam

The Egyptian police are reported to have recently arrested 29 individuals associated with the Hoggpool cryptocurrency mining app scam. In addition to seizing 95 mobile phones and 3,367 SIM cards, the police said domestic and foreign currency valued at $194,000 was

Tidligere Cohasset High School-medarbejder anklaget for at stjæle tusinder i elektricitet for at mine Bitcoin i skolecampus-crawlspace

A former school assistant facilities director in Cohasset, Massachusetts, has been accused of operating a cryptocurrency mining operation inside a crawlspace at Cohasset High School. The Cohasset Police Department alleges that Nadeam Nahas stole nearly $18,000 in electricity to power the

Filippinske myndigheder redder påståede ofre for 'Crypto Trafficking Ring'

Philippine authorities say that they have rescued alleged victims of acrypto trafficking ringwho were recruited to work in a call center in Cambodia and scam people out of their cryptocurrencies. The authorities are also investigating government employees who may

Hacker sendt i fængsel for at røve vietnamesisk kryptobørs

Authorities in Vietnam have caught and sentenced a hacker who stole money and data from a local cryptocurrency exchange. The man, who was arrested and charged for extorting the trading platforms owner, has been ordered to return the money he misappropriated….

Crypto Community spørger: Hvor i verden er Ex-Alameda CEO Sam Trabucco?

Following FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried’s arrest and the statements from his co-workers Gary Wang and Caroline Ellison, the spotlight has turned on the remaining executives who were part of the team’s inner circle. Another person people are curious about these days

BTC-e's Alexander Vinnik ansøger om løsladelse mod kaution med henvisning til retssagsforsinkelse

Den påståede operatør af kryptobørs BTC-e, Alexander Vinnik, har bedt om at blive løsladt mod kaution på grund af forsinkelsen i retssagen. I begyndelsen af ​​august, den russiske it-specialist blev udleveret til USA for at blive anklaget for penge…